Thursday, February 13, 2014

Step one: Finish Book

My first novel is complete. Thanks to my awesome Beta Readers who now control this next step. After some review and revising, it is time for query letters. I am a mess of emotions. There is excitement, pride, and fear. This has been a long work in process and part of me is sad that this stage is over.

A few years ago, a friend of mine and I attended a Dallas Area Romance Writers meeting entitled, Now Finish the Damn Book. If I still lived in the area, I would without a doubt be a part of this awesome group of writers. That meeting did wonders for me because it showed me that writing was hard for everyone (not just me and not just beginners). It showed that time and dedication, fear and pride and excitement, went into the craft and that perfectly fine. The woman that spoke (I wish I could recall her name) dumped bags and bags of rejection letters on the stage. She shared words of encouragement and her ending remarks still stay with me.
My paraphrase goes something like this: No matter how much passion and work you put in, no matter how much you know the process, you cannot take that next step until you finish the damn book.

Maybe I can find her name and thank her. Honestly, I am sad this part is over but hey, I freakin' wrote a novel. I finished the damn book and I am happy to say that I am actually proud of my work. On to the next step. . I have attached a chart that makes me smile everything. (not sure if that is a good thing) I am not sure who came up with this, but I tip my hat to you. Thanks :)


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