Monday, August 19, 2013

I am not...

I am not a blogger. I confess. Social media is a wonderful thing but all in all it scares me. It's not that I don't have things to say, I do, I just pull up twitter or facebook or this blog and my mind goes blank. Ok, not really blank. It begins racing through all the things I could write about then promptly begins explaining why each thing is stupid, meaningless and a complete waste of the infinite cyber space. Once I get that paranoid rambling under control then my mind goes blank. Void. Nothing. Just colors...and I don't think anyone wants me to narrate the colors in my mind.
Ok enough of that.
You see, I think in pictures. Completely in pictures. My thoughts are movies without sound. Flash cards. Blips. To translate my thoughts into words, and even better, into complete sentences, is a task I had to quickly learn as a child. Maybe one day, I can share some stories about that process and how even now it is difficult to put the pictures into words.
I know this information isn't earth shattering, maybe at worst boring, but hey if you are in the same boat, I feel ya. I get it. This little mental quirk makes somethings very difficult. Like learning a foreign language, spelling, reading aloud and writing. My stories are silent movies in my head that I must translate onto paper. It is hard, frustrating and at times, a downright pain in the ass but I do it because it is apart of me. And what fun in something that doesn't challenge you?

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