Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Little Moments

Have you ever had a moment that seemed to happen at the exact, perfect time? If you ever get a chance to read my novel (when/if it gets published) There is a section that discusses fate and coincidence. I don't believe in either one. I believe in choices and consequences that follow. That being said, I think even moments that seem to come out of no where are caused by choices.
Tonight I was sitting and working on the last big cumulative moment of my novel and I was having a difficult time finding the right tone. I am one of those writers that listen to music when I write.  Music helps me clear my mind and it aids in dropping the barriers, both mental and emotional that keep me second guessing. Music keeps me sane, keeps me focused and frankly is a cornerstone of my creative process. When I'm stuck in a section, I turn to music.
Working on this particular part, I exhausted my playlist and took an extensive break with Pandora.com. I had decided to stop looking for the 'right' song and just continue writing. A short while later my husband gets my attention and tells me that he just heard a song that he wanted to share with me.
The song was perfect. At any moment we could have made choices to stop this moment from happening. He could have turned off the radio. I could have not started writing tonight. We both could have gone to bed since it is 2 in the morning and we both have to be up at 7. Any number of things could have prevented this moment from happening but it happened. So here is a thank you to moments like this and Zac Brown Band's song 'Junkyard'. For those of you who have not heard this song, I have included the link below.
I think sometimes we take little moments like this for granted. We try to write it off as coincidence, nothing special but that is a travesty. I'm not saying to put things like this on a pedestal, I'm saying appreciate and recognize it for what it is, wonderful in its own right.
 Like our writing off of little moments, we also write off bigger things...like other people and ourselves. We think that we don't matter. That we are just something that happened. The trials in our life try and convince us that we are not worthy of importance. Worthy of time, of love, of understanding. That evil little voice in the back of our minds calls us a failure, a mistake. It yells when think too much of ourselves. It laughs when we fall and it tears us down every chance it gets.
Well, that voice is wrong. Our minds are wrong when it tries to tell us we are not worthy. Other people are wrong and sometimes we are the ones that are wrong when we deem others unworthy. Each person, like each little moment, has an impact, has a purpose. Each person is worthy of love, of respect and of understanding. Don't be too quick to write something or someone off because it is little moments that change your life. And ordinary people that change the world.


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