Friday, January 16, 2015

Meet Angela Scott!!!!!

Award Winning Author 

Angela Scott 

answers some questions about writing, life and zombies! 

How do you think, you would do in a real Apocalypse (zombie or not)? 

Absolutely horrible. I'm a whiner and I'm pretty much terrified of everything. So, I would be the worst survivor ever. In fact, other survivors would most likely kill me just to be done with my whiny behind. I actually blogged about this very thing awhile back:

What is your favorite part in your book, Anyone?  ?

I would have to say when Cole showed up. It was incredibly hard to write several chapters with only one character, but I had to set up the premise of Tess being alone and how miserable and lonely it was for her. But once Cole came on the scene everything became better. He is one of my favorite characters I have ever written, and I enjoyed all the scenes he was in. 

What was the hardest part of Anyone? to write?

 ANYONE? was one of my funnest books to write, but also one of my most difficult. I had an idea part way through the book to change things up when it came to Cole. Was he real? Was he only in Tess's mind? Was he something else all together? Once I made that decision, I knew that writing my ending would be tricky. I wrote a lot of clues into the book, but I also left it open for the reader to make their own decision (and honestly, no answer is wrong--Cole can be who or whatever you want him to be). But by making this decision, it became VERY difficult to write a satisfying ending that would please everyone. I took on that risk, realizing that some readers would be thrilled to have it left open, while others will become pissed I didn't just tell them who or what Cole was. I took a gamble, and I'm hoping more people will enjoy the ending than those who are ticked at me :) So to answer this question: The ending. The ending was the most difficult to write. By far. 

What is your writing process? Do you like to be anywhere particular? or write during a certain time of day? 

My writing process is random. I try to grab pieces of time wherever I can grab them (being a wife and mother of three, while working, makes it difficult). I LOVE writing while in my bed! I love my bed and love sitting there with my laptop on my lap, but because I suffer from carpel tunnel, I have had to move my behind to a chair and a desk with proper support. The good thing though, is that my desk sits in front of two large windows that look over the Wasatch Valley. It's beautiful and inspiring. I would say that if I can force myself to get up early, the morning hours work the best for me. My brain is ready to go, but unfortunately, my body usually is not :) 

Do you have any interesting reoccurring dreams? 
While I was in the middle of writing THE ZOMBIE WEST, I tended to have a lot (and I mean a lot) of dreams that had to do with zombies. One of the weirdest, was about a mother who wanted me to take her two children into my "safe house" because she couldn't take care of them. No problem. But when she handed me the baby, it turned out to be a zombie. I was holding this crazy, air-biting, baby by the arms out in front of me, trying to figure out what to do with it. An old man came by with a wheel barrow and said he's take it. Anyway... when I woke up, I knew a zombie baby was going to be written into the series. I had to do it. 
What is the worst thing about being a writer?
 I think the worst thing about being a writer is that moment when you publish your book and send it out into the world. You have to sit back and wait for those first reviews to come rolling in. It's terrifying. The writing, the editing, the camaraderie are all wonderful. The waiting and worrying can be miserable--but it should never stop a writer from writing. It's part of the process. 
Who is your favorite character from anyone of your books? 

My favorite character will always be Boone from DESERT RICE. He changed the lives of Sam and Jacob in the book, and this shy, recluse of a man became a hero to these two kids. 

Describe your perfect day. 

My perfect day would be, staying in my pj's, laying in bed and doing absolutely nothing. Maybe watching a movie and drinking hot cocoa. My days are FILLED with running here and there and trying to get so many things done, that a day of doing nothing would be fabulous.

Check out other titles from this awesome author

The Zombie West Series 
      #1 Wanted: Dead or Undead
     #2  Survivor Roundup 
    #3  Dead Plains

Or get all three in this Omnibus Edition

Angela Scott

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