Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Year Schnooo Ear

So it is 20 days into 2015 and I have been debating doing a New Years post. I am not that into resolutions, honestly I'm not great at goal setting in general, more of an in-the-moment person. Which can be a good thing but all things have pros and cons.
Ironically, my goal for the past few months has been learning to set goals. So for the first time sense I was like in middle school and just did it because I thought I had to...I am setting some New Years Resolutions.

Please, please hold your applause, sounds of shock and overall amusement to a minimum.
I know some of you (you know who you are) are laughing your asses off right now.
Thanks for that. :)

Drum roll please.....

Lora Douglas' goals for 2015. 

Publish my first novel!!!!! You heard (well read) it right folks. My first novel, Ages from Eternity is set to come out June 2015. Mark your calenders, set your phones, write it on your hand. Part of my soul, the child of my creative juices (gross), the result of sleep deprivation, too much coffee, tears and minor freak outs, support, and failure will be out for the world to see.

So much terror and excitement and for someone that is not really overly emotional, sometimes I think my heart and head will implode. Yay!! Scared shitless! Yay!!! Biting my fingernails!! Yay! Shot of whiskey/vodka...Yay!! So proud. So scared. So excited.
Right brain. Left brain. Business. Fun. Emotions. Logic. Words. Numbers.

Now that those thoughts are out...moving on. So yeah, my first book can be in your hands, on your phone or other electronic devices in June! If reading ain't your thing (thanks for reading this blog by the way) my novel can come to your ears this Fall with the awesome audio book edition.

All this aside, in 2015 I would like read more books this year.  I'm kind of a slow reader when it is for fun so I think 40 books in a year is a good/challenging/realistic goal for me.
I have a couple goals related to my health issues (which are random and at times consume my life).  Here is one of them. With physical therapy, I hope to get my legs to where I can run short distances without pain. Right now, I can do about 2/10 of a mile so a quarter mile seems like a doable goal.
I also what to finish writing book 2 of the Ages from Eternity series and book 1 of a YA series that is floating around in my head.
Later this year, I will going to (leading actually) a humanitarian/mission trip to Thailand. The Thai cultural has fascinated me since I was in the third grade and visiting that country has been a desire of mine since that time. I look forward to this trip to learn more about the community and cultural of the people in northeast, rural area of Thailand. I guess to phrase this as a goal, I am currently learning basic Thai and would like to be able to communicate without the 100% dependence on a translator. I am also training the other team members on cultural competence and how to basically travel/work internationally in an unfamiliar culture.

They may not look like your concept of resolutions but that is what I got. :) What are your goals and resolutions for 2015? Share some in the comments or on twitter #LoraDouglasRez2015

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